I always ask myself where technology can really improve my everyday life. Calendar and navigation are my absolute top favorites. Right after that comes our shopping list app Bring! Let's be honest, groceries shopping can be both joyful and a real pain, but it needs to be done.
Technology in everyday life often has the character of a gimmick. Many things, such as controlling lamps with your voice or smartly regulating shutters, are fun, but do little to change life. Not everything that is feasible really gets us anywhere. As much as I like to try new things and follow my inner play instinct, I always try to ask myself if it's really useful and if it helps me. Unfortunately, I have to realize far too frequently that this is not the case. But from time to time I discover something that is not only fun, but a real added value. The best way to see this is how quickly and naturally the technology is integrated into our life. If the family then jumps on board without any obstacles, it's clear that something has arrived to stay.
Shopping list adventure
Handwritten shopping lists have always been a horror to me, way before smartphones existed. You either write them just before you go groceries shopping or let them grow over the week, but then you also have to keep them where anyone can find them and carry on. Most of the time it didn't work out the way you wanted it to, then you went out with half or no groceries list and forgot a third of the purchases and brought back things you didn't even need.
With the first iPhone at the end of 2007, of course, came the idea and the desire that I could also keep this list electronically. However, apps were not available until mid-2008, until then the build in Notes app had to do the job.
The first standalone app I downloaded right after the opening of the App Store was ShoppingList . Missing data synchronization with the iPhone of my wife and a somewhat cumbersome operation did not lead to a permanent adaptation. Even with a change to Remember The Milk my significant other was not convinced by the electronic concept. Actually, I had already given up until I stumbled across the app Bring! in 2013. In my view the best app for grocery list.
The solution to my problems
When I discovered Bring!, I quickly realized that the solution was right in front of me. Even though the grocery list app has grown over the years, it is still the same at its core. The shopping list can be created quickly by starting to type in the search box, which immediately brings up possible items with a visual representation, this aids to my recognition immensely. A simple tap then leads to the transfer to my list. Of course, you can add quantities or numbers. Just as easily, by tapping once, the food is removed from the list when shopping.
The highlight, however, is that the shopping list can be shared across multiple devices. So my wife and I always have the most current with us, whoever goes shopping. In the meantime, the kids are also on board, as everyone can simply use voice commands to call out an item to our kitchen Alexa if one just discovered that the last milk is taken from the fridge.
You can use Bring! for free if you accept that manufacturer and retailer use it as an advertising platform for direct marketing. I'm glad to pay a reasonable monthly/yearly subscription price for premium.